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Frances Pauli writes about animals because she finds them infinitely more interesting than people. She’s not terribly sorry about this, though she understands it might cause some of the latter distress. Still, when given the choice between a starship piloted by a human and one with a hippopotamus at the helm, she will inevitably lean sharply in favor of the hippo.
Once upon a time she wrote about people, and you can still find those works milling about at large, but for the foreseeable future, expect pangolin pirates and savvy sword-swinging armadillos.
If that sounds appealing, you can find her work on her webpage at francespauli.com and at most retailers who sell that sort of thing. You can find Frances herself in the general, Washington State, area, often at writing, science fiction, or furry conventions. She is also, against her better judgement, present on most social media platforms.
But she’d rather be writing.
Contact Frances at: authorfrancespauli@gmail.com or through her social media links in the right sidebar.